Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wesley Snipes Asks for Bail Extension

Wesley Snipes Asks for Bail Extension
Wesley Snipes

is requesting a federal judge for a bail extension on Tuesday, November 23, in a bid to stay out of jail, ABC News reported. The "Blade" star hopes to remain free on bail while his lawyers attempt to pursue a second appeal of his three convictions of willful failure to file income tax returns and his three-year prison term.

According to the site, on Wednesday, November 24, U.S. District Judge William Terrell Hodges ordered prosecutors to respond to Wesley's motion by next Tuesday, December 1. In the motion, Wesley's lawyers stated, "Mr. Snipes has honored the court's trust before, during trial, as well as pending sentencing and appeal."

"There is no reason to change the court's judgment now. His ongoing and successful projects in the movie industry further ensure he would not consider fleeing," the lawyers went on. "Mr. Snipes has made several substantial payments. His tax filings are now current and he has sought from third parties and turned over to IRS all financial information the agency requested from past years."

Wesley Snipes has spent two years fighting a guilty verdict on tax evasion charges. However, his bail was revoked last week by William Terrell and he was ordered to turn himself over to authorities to begin the three-year jail sentence because he had lost his appeal to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeal and a battle for a retrial.

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